Corona tiltag

BEMÆRK: Pr. 1/2 vil alle vores corona-tiltag bortfalde, pånær tiltagene i elevatorer.

Indtil da:

Vi følger myndighedernes retningslinjer, men tilføjer også egne, når det er relevant. Pt. har vi følgende tiltag:

Mundbind i fællesarealerne

Pr. 13/12 har vi krav om mundbind, når man færdes i fællesarealerne inklusive elevatorer.

Kravet om mundbind behøver ikke at gælde det personale hos Madkastellet, Glad og Securitas, der har gyldig Corona pas, eller de lejere/gæster som sidder og spiser frokost m.v. i personalerestauranterne og/eller afholder møder siddende i vores konferencecentre.

Som tommelfingerregel har I som lejere naturligvis selv ansvar for, at møder i fællesarealerne afholdes efter den til enhver tid gældende restriktioner udstedt af sundhedsmyndighederne.

Ikke meldepligt

Vi har tidligere delt beskeder om smittetilfælde. Den praksis er vi gået bort fra, da situationen nu er en anden med flere vaccinerede samt deraf ændrede retningslinjer, hvor man ikke behøver at gå i selvisolation. Desuden hører vi ikke, at der er det samme behov for det længere.


Fast seating i restauranterne

Hver virksomhed har fået tildelt faste borde. Man kan selv fordele sine medarbejdere på timeslots, da man ikke kan forvente, at alle kan spise samtidig.


Vi opsætter adskillere i elevatorerne. I HUB2 er der indført et maks. på fire passagerer, med mindre alle er fra samme firma.


Der er opstillet håndsprit ved alle indgange, i restauranter, på toiletter samt i mødelokaler.

Hvad kan I selv gøre?

COVID-19 actions

PLEASE NOTE: As of the 1st of February all our COVID-19 actions are removed, exact the actions in the lifts.

Until then:

We follow the authorities’ guidelines but also add our own when relevant. Pt. we have the following initiatives:

Face masks in the shared areas

As of Monday the 13th of December we have a requirement of wearing a face mask when walking around in the shared areas including elevators.

The requirement for a face mask does not have to apply to the staff at Madkastellet, Glad and Securitas who have a valid Corona passport, or the tenants/guests who sit and eat lunch, etc. in the staff restaurants and/or hold meetings seated in our conference centers.

As a rule of thumb, you as tenants are of course responsible for ensuring that meetings in the common areas are held in accordance with the restrictions in force issued by the health authorities at any given time.

No obligation to report

We have previously shared messages about cases of infection. We have left this practice, as the situation is now different with more vaccinated and changed guidelines where you do not have to go into self-isolation. Moreover, we do not hear that there is the same need for it anymore.

Fixed seating in the restaurants

Each company has been assigned fixed tables. It’s up to you to divide your employees into timeslots, as you can not expect everyone to eat at the same time.


We set up separators in the elevators. In HUB2, a maximum of four passengers has been introduced, unless all are from the same company.

Hand sanitizers

We have set up hand sanitizers up at all entrances, in restaurants, in toilet rooms, and in meeting rooms.

What can you do?

Information om corona

Her på siden har vi samlet de nødvendige informationer om corona og vores beredskab og anbefalinger her i HUBNORDIC. Vi forsøger at opdatere løbende, men situationen udvikler sig hurtigt, så vær opmærksom på, at informationerne er vejledende, og KLP Ejendomme ikke kan stå til ansvar for, at alt er opdateret.

Har I spørgsmål, som I ikke finder svar på her, så tag fat i Christina fra KLP (, Madkastellet () eller Laila fra GLAD (61421772) alt efter emnet.

Husk løbende at give receptionen besked om, hvor mange I bliver i næste uge.

Information about corona

On this site we have gathered the necessary information about corona and our readiness and recommendations here in HUBNORDIC. We will try to keep this opdated, but as the situation is evolving, please note that this information is indicative and KLP Ejendomme cannot be held responsible for everything being up to date.

If you have any questions, which are not answered here, please contact Christina from KLP (, Madkastellet () or Laila from GLAD (+45 61421772) depending on the issue.

Remember to keep the reception informed of how many you will be next week.


Anbefalinger fra Sundhedsstyrelsen til virksomheder

Se alle aktuelle anbefalinger her

Recommendations from the National Board of Health for companies

See all current recommendations here