Madkastellet i HUBNORDIC

Good energy and conscience in your work day

In HUBNORDIC, good ingredients, restaurant experience and 20 years of event catering experience – delivered by Madkastellet – go hand in hand with sustainable housekeeping, which is not just certified by Svanemærket, but is carried out by Glad Service, which supports young people with challenges to gain a foothold in the labor market.

Read more about how you get the best framework for your working day – whether it’s just a regular day or you have an event with 120 guests.

Madkastellet anretning af gourmethotdogs på skærebræt

Add some great taste

Food and catering are an important part of the working day. This is where we gather energy and get together with our colleagues. At HUBNORDIC, health and great taste are always a natural and easy choice – not least on the daily menu of our staff restaurants. HUBNORDIC has something different and more than a canteen. We have a Madkastel. Here you can enjoy ‘food for life’ in boutique hotel-like settings with your colleagues and in the long run the locals or friends during and after working hours.

You will experience chefs who like to play with the food with taste and visual impressions to offer fragrant dishes prepared with equal share of passion and knowledge about how a good meal excites, energizes, and makes a healthy, saturated and happy. Both as ‘eat in’ and ‘take out’ and which inspire a more tasty life.

Rødbeder i close-up med sort baggrund fra Madkastellet

Good raw materials provide a good start

It is no secret that good, energy-rich food is an important ingredient when you have to work concentrated for a whole working day. Here, the right ingredients play a big role. For Madkastellet, high-quality ingredients, typically local, in season and preferably organic, are the cornerstone of all their food. So when the rhubarb is ready, and the strawberries have got the sun they need, that’s what we get served.

Besides, the gastronomic idea is a Scandinavian-French cuisine spiced with global flavors and ingenuity. So the good energy also tastes well.

Event anretning fra Madkastellet med forskellige ispinde

Meeting and events

As a tenant in HUBNORDIC, you get top-notch meeting facilities, not only in terms of premises and equipment but also in particular with meeting catering from Madkastellet, which has been a leader in event catering for almost 20 years and is known for delivering award-winning dining experiences focusing on taste, sustainability, and innovation. In 2018 alone, the company’s event catering dined more than 80,000 guests, some for meetings with thousands of guests, others at intimate gourmet events, conferences or large parties.

Madkastellet will spoil you both for meeting in your own premises, in our two meeting centers as well as if you want to hold a big event either in our properties or out of the house.

Housekeeping with social aspect

Glad Service provides housekeeping in HUBNORDIC’s common areas. Glad has 20 years of experience and is one of Denmark’s largest social economy companies. It is based on close cooperation between people with and without cognitive disabilities, to ensure inclusion in the labour market.

The philosophy is that all employees are met equally as aspirants for an educational and work environment and professional community. For Glad believes that people with different preconditions are an asset that can make the society we live in richer, happier and more inspiring. We agree and support that.